Rabu, 29 April 2015

31 Dragon Fruit For Health Benefits and side effects

Good red dragon fruit dragon fruit white or equally provide an extraordinary impact on the health of our bodies. By eating dragon fruit regularly will increase immunity and provide vitamins and other substances that are beneficial to our body.

Benefits and excellent dragon fruit content for a variety of things and the fulfillment of vitamins and minerals in the body. There are about 10 benefits of dragon fruit which will we learn more, the benefits of this fruit very much if consumed regularly it will bring positive effects to the body.

Before discussing the benefits of dragon fruit, it helps us to know the nutrient content of dragon fruit.

The benefits of dragon fruit for a healthy body is very diverse, ranging from the simple benefits to the benefits that are important and widely unknown. Here are some of the benefits of this fruit for our bodies.

1.badan or diet

For those of you who have tried a variety of things to lose weight should start stocking dragon fruit in your refrigerator. One way to lose weight is to fill the stomach with fiber-rich foods low in calories that do not make the stomach stretched. One of them is the dragon fruit consumption, this fruit has a high fiber content and contains a lot of water that will make the digestive be smooth.


dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants that help phytoalbumin formation of carcinogenic free radicals in the body. The fruit is also rich in fiber, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C and B2, as well as metals that help remove toxins from the body, some of which can cause cancer.

3.daya immunity

The benefits of dragon fruit is most important is to improve the human immune system. A very large content of antioxidants in this fruit will certainly boost the immune system.

4.antioksidan and good for detox

Antioxidants benefit is to reduce the free radicals in our bodies, with the consumption of this fruit will at least help the detoxification process (expenditure toxins from the body through the liver). Then how to get the source of these antioxidants? The biggest answer is dragon fruit.

5.diabetes mellitus

Dragon fruit is also believed to prevent the onset of diabetes. This fruit can kill the bad cells produced by an unhealthy lifestyle. Besides sugar contained in it is also very small so it is safe for diabetics.

6.nafsu eat

Dragon fruit can also increase the appetite because the fruit contains vitamin B2 and B1 are believed to increase appetite, especially for children.

Early 7.penuaan

If you often inhale the polluted air then you terpotensi affected by premature aging very rapidly than usual. Anti-oxidants available in dragon fruit can help to prevent this premature aging.


Respiratory disorders such as asthma and coughs due to colds may complicate and greatly disrupt our daily activities. Although the fruit is not a substitute for treatment, but it can help relieve cough and respiratory disorders.

Dragon fruit also has a number of very high vitamin C makes your immune system stronger so that you can fight infections more easily.

9.darah high and heart attacks

There are two main factors associated with high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease (diseases associated with blood vessels):

Clogged arteries
Given that dragon fruit is basically "clean" part of the human body then it can also help maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels associated with the other.

In addition, these foods are also known to help reduce the level of oxidative stress which is one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease.

10.tulang and blood

With calcium and iron are quite high, dragon fruit is also good for the bones and blood. FAO considers dragon fruit is a fruit with high nutritional value for calcium. One small fruit meet 1 percent of the daily value. Dragon fruit is a better source of iron to meet 8 percent of the daily value. In addition to helping healthy bones, calcium is necessary for proper muscle function and nerve transmission. Iron is necessary to carry oxygen throughout the body. Fill the dragon fruit is very high in vitamin C it very helpful to improve the body's ability to absorb more iron.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit Consumption Day To Day

Dragon fruit is very beneficial if consumed daily, this fruit has a water content and vitamins and fiber that are very high. In addition, the benefits of dragon fruit is indirectly important thing is to lower cholesterol levels, strengthen bones and teeth, eye health care, and care for heart health. Here are some of the benefits of dragon fruit to be consumed daily

11. Strengthen bones and teeth
12. Good for colon cleansing
13. Preventing inflammation
14. Maintain ion body
15. Fruit to increase stamina
16. To help prevent cramps
17. Preventing muscle paralysis
18. Good for the skin retain moisture
19. Good for seniors
20. Maintain the health of nerve
21. Good to keep the intestines from the development of bacteria
22. can be used for natural coloring (red dragon fruit)
23. can be used to eradicate acne
24. Preventing bone loss
25. Good for digestion babies over 1 year
26. Maintain the smooth blood peradaran system
27. Both to increase milk
28. Good to treat heartburn
29. Good for treating canker sores
30. It is powerful to overcome dry throat
31. Can keep facial skin to keep it tight

Given the health benefits are very much at all, do not ever hesitate to eating dragon fruit for your health are always awake during the day. It also can help the digestive system of the human body.

Side effects dragon fruit

Until now still undiscovered side effects dragon fruit consumption, this fruit can be consumed by pregnant women, breastfeeding, diabetes, heart disease, to patients with asthma. But keep in mind that one of its effects is that you will receive urine and feces were somewhat turned reddish.

1 year old baby has also been able to be given dragon fruit consumption.

Health leatherback Outstanding

Starfruit is the fruit that comes from the territory of the country with a tropical climate. The fruit is yellowish when ripe, with a much-loved fruit shape people. Star fruit taste is very refreshing, so it is often processed into various recipes. Aside from the taste wagged his tongue, star fruit is also very good for health and also provide benefits for beauty.

leatherback For Health Benefits

Leatherback is one of the exotic fruit is rich in benefits. Approximately 100 grams of star fruit, providing 31 calories which is much lower than for tropical fruits other popular. In addition, a number of important nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins contain a number of health benefits for the leatherback, as follows 1):

1. Healthy Digestion

Along with carambola fruit leather provide dietary fiber supply. Fiber helps prevent the absorption of LDL cholesterol in food in the intestine. Fiber also helps protect the intestinal mucous membrane from exposure to toxic substances by binding to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon. The fiber content in the leatherback makes digestion more healthy and avoid the risk of colon cancer symptoms.

2. Prevention of Cancer

Leatherback provide vitamin C benefits which are preventive against cancer symptoms. Starfruit contains vitamin C in large quantities. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Approximately 100 g of star fruit will provide 34.7 mg or about 57% of the intake of vitamin C is needed every day. In general, the benefits of fruits rich in vitamin C helps body develop resistance against infectious agents, free radical and anti-inflammatory for the body.

3. Rich in Antioxidants

Leatherback rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids polyphenols. Some types of this important flavonoids including quercetin, epicatechin and gallic acid. Total polyphenols in these fruits at 43 mg / 100 g. These compounds help protect from, from the effects of free radical damage.

4. Improving Enzymes Work

In addition, the leatherback is a source of B-complex vitamins such as folate, riboflavin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). Taken together, these vitamins help as a co-factor of enzymes in the metabolism and supports a variety of synthetic function of enzymes in the body.

5. Overcoming High Blood Pressure

Starfruit contains a number of minerals and electrolytes such as potassium, phosphorus, zinc and iron. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Thus, it will suppress the bad influence of sodium. Healing therapy of hypertension is mostly done with starfruit, by consuming them regularly.

6. Overcoming Kidney Disorders

If someone has a complaint renal impairment, the leatherback can be consumed because it has a very high concentration of the oxalic acid. Scientists consider it as anti-nutritional compounds, such as interfere with the absorption and metabolism of some natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium and so on.

7. Reduce the levels of bad cholesterol

At the leatherback are pectin substances that reduce cholesterol in the blood. Pectin binds cholesterol and bile acids in their secretions issued. Of course this is very good for people with symptoms of diabetes.

Benefits leatherback For Beauty

Such as whether the content has been described previously, the leatherback able to prevent and deal with various health problems. In addition, the benefits of the leatherback is also used as a beauty treatment, following them 2):

Leatherback provide other nutrients that are good for the hair. Starfruit is an excellent natural remedy for hair loss because it is a good source of antioxidants and vitamin C which can help delay the aging process.
Vitamin B complex, is essential for hair growth and helps to keep hair strong and healthy, many available in the star fruit.
Eating star fruit or carambola use directly on the skin with acne or oily skin as a facial mask.
Starfruit contains zinc which reduce the tendency of acne. It is fully recommended for people of all ages because it has antimicrobial effects.
Fruit Nutrient content of Belimbing

Starfruit content of the most abundant is vitamin C, such as that contained in the benefits of oranges, lemons and benefits benefits guava. Vitamin A in belimbng produce antioxidants that are good for the body. Other builder substances, such as minerals, folate, fiber (fiber), here are some of them 3):

Calories - A serving of star fruit is equivalent to about 2 percent of the daily value for calories, assuming a daily diet of 2,000 calories. Carbohydrate provides about 30 calories in a serving of star fruit.
Carbohydrates - Carambola contains 9.5 g of carbohydrates per serving, including 2.5 g of dietary fiber. Leatherback give 3 percent of the daily value of carbohydrates and 10 percent of daily fiber needs.
Protein and Fat - One serving of star fruit contains 1 gram of protein, which is 2 percent of the daily requirement. Leatherback also has 1 g of fat, which provides about 2 percent of the daily value. Fat content is entirely composed of unsaturated fats. Leatherback has no saturated fat, trans fat or cholesterol.
Vitamins and Minerals - In one leatherback contains 24 mg of vitamin C, or 40 percent of the daily value for vitamin C. It provides about 15 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin A. The content of iron in the star fruit around 0:36 mg, or 2 percent of the daily value. Starfruit contains calcium, potassium or sodium.
Various benefits leatherback can be obtained by consuming them, but we still have to be wise when to eat it. Starfruit sweet, because the content of glucose, so it is not good if consumed in excess. Mixed fruit consumption, could be better, rather than just concentrating on one type of fruit only.

aple fruit benefits for health and beauty of women

Benefits sabagai apple fruit helps maintain the health and even prevents disease, certainly too powerful to diet. Who does not like apples? Beautiful fruit is widely consumed as a diet aid. What benefits we can get from an apple, let's discuss them one by one.

Benefits of Apples For Diet

The benefits of apples to the diet is one of the most famous in the universe, including in Indonesia. How apples daily diet can help you to be successful? The workings of apples to the diet is almost the same as the benefits of brown rice that is with a very high fiber content, the fruit is full longer make sense in our stomach.

So what to do? This will greatly help the intake of food / appetite high-calorie foods can be minimized. When the stomach has been contained glucose, gastric feel hungry and ordered the brain to look for food.

the benefits of eating hunger apelSetelah automatically disappear, and where the role of apple fiber for longer survive the stomach and makes sense in the stomach full longer so you will not feel hungry. Quiet apples contain no fat and rich in fiber so it is safe to diet and bowel.

Benefits pears and cassava are also effective for this diet if you do not like apple :).

Apples For Health Benefits

No doubt back, apples for health benefits also must be very powerful and than we can expect. Apples have properties that are good for human health, well this is some amazing apple benefits for the human body.

1. Assist the work of the small intestine

Digestion is never separated from the small intestine as food processors and gets its nutrients. Consumption of apples regularly can prevent constipation and digestive disorders that occur in the intestines.

2. Reduce the risk of respiratory distress

A recent study shows that children who consumed the apple juice regularly can reduce the risk of respiratory disease. In addition to pregnant women who regularly consume apple juice is also effective in suppressing respiratory disorders unborn child.

3. Healthy mouth and teeth

It turns out Apple also has the function of tablets for oral and dental health, eating apples to direct chewing stimulates saliva production to clean the oral cavity. In addition tannin substances contained in apples, clean the plaque that damage the teeth and gums.

4. Provide protection to the bone

Kandunga flavonoids (phloridzin) an apple benefits that reduce the problem of osteoporosis in women after monopouse. Boron content of the apples also serves to strengthen the bones in the body that are not easily porous. It's also very good for the prevention of the onset of symptoms of rheumatic diseases.

5. control blood sugar

Galacturonic acid supplied apples to degrade the performance of the body in releasing the hormone insulin. Therefore, apples consumed for people who have a history of genetic disease from getting diabetes and become more serious.

6. Prevent and MengobatiKanker

There are benefits of apples on triterpenoids compounds in the skin of apples, which were identified in a study at Cornell University, is known to inhibit cancer cells that cause the symptoms of breast cancer, liver and colon cancer symptoms.

In addition, Apple has a number of substances that can help reduce the risk of cancer, including antimutagenic activity, antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory mechanism, antiproliferative and apoptosis-inducing published in the journal Planta Medica.

7. Brain Health

Apples have been shown to be used to protect neuron cells that can mencegak oxidative stress induced neurotoxicity and plays an important role in reducing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

8. Prevent Parkinson

Research shows that people who eat fruits and other high fiber foods benefit in protecting against Parkinson's disease. The disease is characterized by disruption of dopamine-producing nerve cells in the brain. Scientists have to connect it with the power of antioxidants that protect against various types of free radicals.

9. Lowering Cholesterol

For those who are obese or have had high LDL sebaikanya switch on apples. Soluble fiber found in apples can bind fat in the intestines, which translates in function to lower cholesterol levels.

10. Lowers Cholesterol

For those who are obese or have had high LDL sebaikanya switch on apples. Soluble fiber found in apples can bind fat in the intestines, which translates in function to lower cholesterol levels. \

11. Healthy Heart

An extensive study has linked intake of soluble fiber with cholesterol plaque buildup in the arteries. Phenolic compounds found in the skins of apples also prevents cholesterol that gets into the system and strengthen the walls of the arteries. When plaque forms in the arteries it will reduce blood flow to the heart, leading to coronary heart disease. This plaque can be cleaned with the aid of soluble fiber that existed at the apple.

12. Prevent gallstones

Gallstones form when there is too much cholesterol in the bile so that it tends to harden. The short-term effect is very possible you will be obese. To prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fiber to help you control cholesterol levels in the body. Apple as one of the super fruits that have high fiber content is good for health.

13. Coping with Diarrhea and Constipation

If you can not go to the bathroom (difficult chapter) or can not stop (diarrhea)? Fiber found in apples may help overcome both of these problems even though each opposite. Good fibers can draw water out of the intestines to keep the components in it to move throughout the day to support sembeit. These fibers can also absorb excess water from impurities which means it can help you in the process of diarrhea.

14. Liver Detoxification

Detoxification is one of the functions for removing toxins from the liver. Every day in the more advanced age we will never be separated from consumption of containing 'toxic' if it was from a drink or food. Liver function is responsible for cleaning these toxins from the body. The content of antioxidants can help detoxify the liver of various substances or toxins in the body.

15. Preventing cataract

For the benefits of apples this one, although previous studies have not been too convincing about the benefits of apples for cataracts. However, long-term study recently showed that people who have diets fruits that contain antioxidants such as apples 10 to 15 percent less likely to get cataracts.

16. Improve the human immune system

Red apples contain antioxidants called quercetin. Recent research has found that quercetin can help improve and strengthen the immune system, especially when the mind is stressed.

17. Preventing hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal area while no impact on mortality, diseases associated with blood vessels can be very painful. Hemorrhoids are generally caused by too much pressure in the pelvic and rectal area. Fiber may reduce straining too 'extreme' when going to the bathroom and thus help relieve hemorrhoids.

Apple benefits for health and diet is one of the most popular fruits among others. Sakin popularity of apple material is also used as vinegar, this product is selling well because of the benefits of apple cider vinegar is also very effective for hypertension and other critical illnesses.

the benefits of avocado for healthy body

Before we discuss in more detail about the benefits of avocado, it helps us recognize the various nutrients found in avocados.

Healthy fats

Make no mistake, fat in avocados is good fat, portion reaches about three-quarters of the calories of an avocado. This means that fat contains a fairly high in this avocado fruit. Fat content is monounsaturated fats, in the form of oleic acid. Monounsaturated fats are considered as good fats which can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, lowering the risk of stroke and heart disease.

  • Protein

Each avocado consists of approximately 4 grams of protein, the content is much more compared to other fruits.

  • Sugar

The sugar in fruit is small enough value, next to fruit avocado consists of 0.2 g of sugar, so it is not too dangerous for you who are concerned about blood sugar.

  • Vitamins and Minerals

As with other fruits, avocados course also contain vitamins and minerals that are very high. He mmiliki kandugnan potassium (Kandungannnya bigger than bananas). Additionally, avocados are rich in vitamin K, vitamin B9, vitamin B6, vitamin B5 vitamin C, and vitamin E.2

  • Fiber

Medium-sized fruit that contains 11 grams of fiber, nearly half of the daily fiber required by the body.

Next, let's discuss one by one the health benefits of avocados to the human body. \

Benefits of Avocados
  • Maintain Cardiovascular Health

Research has shown that consumption of omega-6 is an important factor in cardiovascular disease. They suggest lowering the intake of polyunsaturated fats and increase the amount of monounsaturated fatty acids in the food we eat.

Avocado is a source of monounsaturated oleic acid which has been proven in numerous studies to reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood.

  • Lose Weight

There are still many Indonesian people are very surprised that foods high in fat and calories is considered good for weight loss. However, studies have shown that monounsaturated fatty acids are best used as a combustion energy and not stored as fat in the body.

Slow burning energy, and certainly is a feeling of satiety that many days you will feel very suitable for reducing hunger and appetite for those of you who are on a diet.

  • Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that is very dangerous, especially since the development of the healthy food that has been increasingly difficult to get. If you feel frequent hunger, thirst, frequent urination, drastic weight loss, you should check it out to see a doctor.

Then what is the role of avocado to this problem? avocados can reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (good cholesterol in the blood). Keeping cholesterol intake This will help reduce the risk of diabetes.

  • Health And Beauty Skin

Benefits avocado can also smooth the skin and help brighten the skin look naturally healthy. Avocados are also useful to protect the skin from wrinkles and other signs of premature aging with antioxidant carotenoids, vitamin E, which helps guard against aging from sun exposure and vitamin C is involved in the creation of elastin and collagen to maintain skin elasticity to remain tight.

How to use - 1

Crushed avocado, apply on the face and hands with warm water approximately 30 minutes, effectively to prevent keribut and smoothes the skin

How to use the -2

Blend half an avocado ripe, then mix with an egg yolk and half a cup of milk. Thereafter use as a toner for cleaning in accordance with the needs of the skin / skin more.

  • Disease Arthritis

The disease is more frequent attacks you have started aged, Osteoarthritis is a disease that causes inflammation of the joints and severe pain. Avocados have anti-inflammatory agent, which is one of the few foods that can reduce pain in arthritis.

Avocados contain monounsaturated fats, phytosterols and antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C and carotenoids substances that can help to reduce the inflammation that leads to arthritis.

  • Prevent CANCER

Avocados are rich in phytochemicals that have done research may help prevent the development of certain cancers. Scientists studying the characteristics of chemopreventive phytochemicals from the avocado concluded that the avocado is an excellent dietary strategy in cancer prevention.

  • prevent High Blood Pressure

Avocado is one of the fruits that become large enough source of potassium, which helps in controlling blood pressure in the body.

  • Disposing of Free Radicals

Benefits of antioxidants in our body is to remove free radicals that may cause certain diseases and cancer. This fruit is one source of antioxidants that are good for the body in removing toxins through sweat or urine.

  • Helping Eye Health

Avocado is a source of the carotenoid lutein, which is known to help protect the health of the eyes caused by aging such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

  • Reducing the Risk of Stroke

Folic acid content in avocados can protect and prevent stroke. Research has shown that people who frequently consume folate intake had a lower risk of stroke.

  • Anti-inflammatory

Avocado ability to help prevent unwanted inflammation absolutely no doubt in the medical world, because it has been supported in various studies. The term "anti-inflammatory" is a term that really applies to this delicious fruit. Avocado anti-inflammatory nutrients that fall into five basic categories:

Phytosterols, including beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol
Antioxidant carotenoids, including lutein, neoxanthin, neochrome, chrysanthemaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, violaxanthin, beta-carotene and alpha-carotene
Other antioxidants (non-carotenoid), including flavonoids epicatechin and epigallocatechin-gallate 3-0, vitamins C and E, and the mineral manganese, selenium, and zinc
Omega-3 fatty acids, in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (about 160 milligrams per cup of sliced ​​avocado)
polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols (PSA)
It is suitable to be used for anti-inflammatory.

fruit benefits for health and beauty

Fruit for health benefits and eliminate the disease course is very diverse, the benefits of fruits can prevent us from various diseases. Several articles about the benefits of the fruit has indeed been much discussed, but actually these benefits can vary depending on the fruit and its kind.

By eating the fruit, we will get nutrition and maintain our health. Fruit can also improve energy and the need for vitamins on the human body. Here are some of the benefits of fruits we need to know before taking the fruit.

Fruit Benefits For Body

The benefits of fruits to the body are many and varied, the fruit generally is one of the necessities for a healthy life and is one way to prevent cancer, and is one way to get rid of acne is the most powerful and natural. Here are the benefits of fruit for our bodies.

A source of vitamins, fruit is a source of vitamins and various types of vitamins in the fruit.
Water sources and Nutrition, fruit is one source of water for the body and nutritional needs that can increase the body's metabolism.
Source antioxidant, fruit is one of the largest sources of natural antioxidants in the world.
Preventing certain diseases. Fruit is one way to prevent us from dangerous disease and various other diseases.
Drug outside the body, fruits can also be used to use drugs outside such as acne, boils, and so on.
Indeed exceed the benefits of fruits we all know, but there are some fruits that we must be cautious in taking it. This is because there are some fruits that contain excess fats and sugars.

Fruit For Routine Consumption

The benefits of fruits to be consumed every day are many and varied, the fruit is one of the foods that nourish and become one part of four healthy 5 perfect in the food cycle. The fruit is so readily available, from low price to high price. Here are the benefits of other fruits you should know.

Preventing and treating cancer, the benefits of mangosteen one of which is to prevent and cure cancer. There are still many other fruits that can be used to prevent and treat cancer.
Recovering stamina, fruit can also be used to restore stamina and improve durability.
Diet, fruit can also be used as a guide and for a natural diet.
So many benefits of fruits that are all around us, therefore, do not forget to consume the fruits of this every day in order to live a healthy life throughout the year.

Fruit for Health Benefits

Body health benefits of fruit for very much at all, the fruit may be the most important part for the health of our bodies. Various benefits of the fruit to the body are as antibodies and a source of important vitamins needed by the human body. Fruits became one of the healthy food that is needed to make our body healthy and fit well into the age when young and when old age.

Health benefits of fruit for the body's most important is to provide the essential nutrients needed by our body. By eating the fruit, we will add the body needs vitamins, fiber, and other minerals needed by the human body. The fruit also can be an antioxidant that may keep our immune system.

Health benefits of the fruit to the body there is a lot of, here are some of the benefits of the fruit is very good for the body and the benefits we have summarized into a global benefit that is owned by various kinds of fruit in various parts of the world. Here are the health benefits of fruit for our bodies.

Eating fruit regularly can prevent heart disease.
Eating fruit regularly can also prevent heart attacks and stroke damage.
Consuming some types of fruit can also prevent cancer.
The fruit can also be used as a natural diet that can prevent bad cholesterol that can invade our bodies.
The fruit also can prevent high blood pressure.
The fruit also has antioxidants that can keep our immune system.
The fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other important substances so as to keep in shape.

There are many more benefits of fruit for our health is no less important. But keep in mind that not all the fruit can be consumed freely, especially if you're suffering from the disease and is in a period of treatment. In addition to the fruit a good idea to read the benefits of water, soursop benefits, the benefits of turmeric, and the health benefits of fruit to keep you because you are a very valuable health benefits.

Health benefits of fruit for the human body consists of various kinds, in addition to those mentioned above, the fruit still keeps a very wide range of benefits. But not all the fruit can be consumed at will we, there are times when you should avoid some types of fruit, especially if you're going through a rehabilitation of the disease or is entering a period of treatment. An example is if you are developing high blood pressure, should avoid eating durian.

Health benefits of fruit for the human body is becoming paramount additional supplements that are essential to the function of organs - organs that exist in humans. by consuming fruits we will senangtiasa healthy and get the body alive and healthy. Let budayakan eating fruit - fruit from now on.

the benefits of the fruit and its properties

Senin, 13 April 2015

Myths and Facts About KB

Myths and Facts About KB-Methods of contraception can help reduce the problems of femininity most basic and primary for reproductive health. Improvement and expansion of family planning services is one of the efforts to reduce maternal mortality is increasing every year.

Many Indonesian people are still considers that the use of contraceptives laden with side effects and stigma are less precise. In fact, along with the development of research in the field of health, the use of family planning methods have great potential for the treatment of women as menstrual disorders or acne.

However, there are still many people who do not receive appropriate information about the benefits of family planning so widely spread myth that needs to be straightened out, starting from the first birth control pill was suspected to cause cancer, making skin breakouts, injections were made spots on the face, to condoms not very effective in preventing pregnancy.

Here we try to discuss some methods of birth control and myths attached.

Birth control pills
Pill is a hormonal oral contraceptives are taken regularly every day to prevent pregnancy. Hormones contained in the birth control pill, the hormone estrogen and progesterone, is the same hormone produced by the female body. Drinking Pill regularly will help stabilize the level of hormones in the body. And it is that helps in the prevention of pregnancy.

Myth: The pill makes fat.
Fact: Not true! Because the hormone content within each grain low-dose birth control pills that will not make weight gain.

Myth: Birth control pills do not make the skin healthy and spotty.
Fact: Not true! Birth control pills contain estrogen hormone that helps maintain smoothness and skin health.

Myth: The pill makes the bones become brittle.
Fact: Not true! The content of the two hormones that existed at any point Pill helps prevent premature calcification of the bone or, more commonly referred to as osteoporosis.

Myth: Birth control pills are at risk in the womb.
Fact: Not true! Clinically, the consumption of pills on a regular basis will help prevent the risk of a pregnancy outside the uterus, cysts, or uterine cancer.

Myth: Birth control pills reduce fertility.
Fact: Not true! Pill able to maintain sufficient levels of fertility and the use of re-acquiring stop pregnancy.

Myth: If taking the Pill Lactation contains only one type of hormone, the hormone progestin that has no influence on the quality and productivity of the milk.

IUD (Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices)
One of the practical options that can be an alternative in family planning is an IUD or intra-uterine Contraceptive Devices. As a non-hormonal contraception long term mounted in the womb with the help of trained medical personnel, the IUD can prevent pregnancy for 10 years.

Besides having a 99.4 percent rate of effectiveness in preventing pregnancy, plastic rods wrapped around copper is also able to protect you from an ectopic pregnancy. You only need to consult regularly with the midwife / doctor nearby once a year to ensure the condition of the IUD in your uterus. IUDs are very small, T-shaped, measuring only 3 cm, so convenient to use and will not interfere with your intimacy with her husband.

Myth: Stem IUD can be attached at the head of the baby after birth.
Fact: Not true! Because at the time known positive pregnant woman, the doctor or midwife will immediately issue a / removing an IUD from the uterus.

Myth: change places after the regular IUD fitted.
Fact: IUD can not migrate, but may be shifted slightly since the time of installation. Because it is important to conduct a routine inspection once a year to the midwife / doctor to examine the state of the IUD in the uterus.

Injections KB
Injections KB is one of the contraceptive methods most widely used in Indonesia. In general, the injection KB works to thicken the cervical mucus making it difficult penetrated by sperm. In addition, injection of KB also helps prevent the egg attaches to the uterine wall so that pregnancy can be avoided.

Myth: Some say Injectable birth control can eliminate menstruation.
Fact: Injections KB available in a choice of 1 month or 3 months. At the 3-month injection, because the hormone content of greater than 1 month injections, often resulting in the cessation of menstrual cycle normally occurs every month.

Implants are the long-term hormonal contraceptives. These hormonal contraceptives containing levonorgestrel and mounted on the upper arm. Implants are very practical and effective in preventing pregnancy for up to 4 years.

Myth: Implants can migrate.
Fact: Not true! The implants were placed in the upper arm and effectively prevent pregnancy for 4 years.

From some of the myths that have been circulating in the community that makes the fears of women during this fulfilled by existing facts. The conclusion of all it is to be able to choose a method of contraception or birth control to be used, you should negotiate with your partner and consult a doctor.

The doctor can advise you what family planning methods that you can choose. Make sure you follow the directions given by the midwife / doctor for use birth control to ensure the effectiveness of contraception in protecting you from pregnancy.

How to Eliminate BREATH

How to Eliminate BREATH-Besides diligent brushing your teeth, there are many ways you can do to eliminate bad breath. Anything? Find out more as quoted from the All Women Stalk following.

1. Brush your teeth
As already mentioned, do not be lazy to brush your teeth if you want to keep the freshness of bad breath. At least, brush your teeth twice a day after meals and before getting out of bed.

2. Do not drink soda
Did you know, soda it makes the mouth to smell. So instead of soda, it's better to drink lots of water. Because of its white water rinse food remaining in the mouth.

3. Herbs
There are some herbs that can be chewed in order to keep the mouth fresh scent. For example, rosemary, cinnamon, parsley, until coriander. Although it does not feel, but all of them able to fix bad breath.

4. Snacks
Snacks were consumed is one of the causes of breath and mouth odors. For example, onions, garlic, and any snacks that contain too much sugar or salt. Reduce the entire consumption.

5. Alcohol
In addition to soda, alcohol is a contributor to the smell of the mouth. Likewise with cigarettes. Leave all the bad habits in order to maintain oral health and overall body.

6. Without sugar
If you eat sweets, choose the taste of mint and not too much sugar. The way it is one of the tips eliminate bad breath in a short time.

7. Dentists
Already diligent brushing and drinking water, breath still smells. Experiencing the same thing? Try to consult with a dentist. Who knows you turned out to have certain conditions such as cavities.

So many ways to get rid of bad breath. Have any other suggestions?

It Every Day Fruit Consumption Bikin Body Slim

Health Information - Consuming fruits not only able to maintain health, but also help you lose weight. Do not believe? Try fruit consumption as reported by the All Women Stalk this every day so that the body quickly skinny!

1. Apples
Apples are rich in fiber but low in calories. Apples also contain vitamins and minerals. All the nutrients that can help the body become slimmer if you eat every day.

2. Pears
Almost the same as apples, pears also has a high fiber. Fiber is able to make a full stomach durable. In addition, pears also potent cholesterol because potassium in it.

3. Bananas
Bananas have a good taste, inexpensive, and highly nutritious. Rich in fiber and potassium, that's the nature of the banana. So eat a banana every day will also help the body lean.

4. Blueberries
One of the super foods that contain high antioxidant. Eating blueberries every day also will prevent metabolic syndrome, one of which is obesity.

5. Strawberry
Another family berries can also help the body quickly skinny is strawberry. Eating fruit is able to stimulate the hormone that can burn more fat.

6. Kiwi
Fruit with a unique shape and flavor was rich in fiber. No wonder if eaten every day, kiwi able to keep the weight to stay balanced. Kiwi seeds are also potent digestion.

7. Grapefruit
Research had mentioned that breakfast grapefruit can help the body quickly thin. This fruit is low in calories but high in fiber. So try to eat grapefruit every day to lose weight quickly thin.

That variety of fruits that can be eaten every day to maximize your weight loss efforts. Enjoy!

Here Objects That Can Cause Headaches

Health Information -Headache is often a problem. In addition to interfere with work productivity, headaches can also interfere with performance. Many things can cause headaches come. But did you know that the objects around us that we often use also has the potential to trigger a headache? Here are 6 things that could potentially cause headaches.

1. Computer Screen
Sit for hours looking at a computer screen for long periods can cause headaches. Headaches are usually triggered by eye fatigue and poor blood circulation smoothly. To overcome this, rest your eyes by way of closing his eyes or looking at a distant object for a few minutes. In this way the eye muscles relax and your back will be free of headaches.

2. Mobile
Using a mobile phone for too long can also trigger headaches. Based on the study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, exposure to mobile phone signals in the brain that are too long can lead to an increase in glucose metabolism, sleep disorders to headaches.

3. Seats
At first glance there is no relationship between the seat and headaches. However, if you use a chair while working does not comply with health standards, it is very possible that the seat can cause headaches. Seats that do not have a good rest will force the neck bone to work harder which can trigger headaches. In addition, the lack of proper seats can also trigger other symptoms such as back pain, neck pain, until tingling. So choose a good and comfortable seats and have the ability to support your body to the maximum.

4. Headset
Listening to music with headset, earphones or the like is exciting tool. Can while relaxing, reading or doing other work. But without realizing the negative effects that result from such activities. Especially if you play with a high-frequency noise, which can cause trauma to the voice continued. In addition to causing headaches, sound frequencies that are too high can damage the auditory nerve cells.

5. Bag
Shoulder part of the body work extra when you carry the bag. If your bag is too heavy then shoulders the burden is also heavier. This can lead to shoulder pain, neck to headaches. We recommend that you do not overload the shoulder with a bag that is too heavy. especially if you are using one shoulder just to hang the bag. These habits can worsen your posture.

6. Hats
Instead of avoiding the sun or just follow the fashion, wearing a hat can also trigger headaches. A recent study published by the British Osteopathic Association (BOA) revealed that wearing a hat that is too tight can disrupt the flow of blood to the head, so that it can trigger headaches