Rabu, 29 April 2015

Health leatherback Outstanding

Starfruit is the fruit that comes from the territory of the country with a tropical climate. The fruit is yellowish when ripe, with a much-loved fruit shape people. Star fruit taste is very refreshing, so it is often processed into various recipes. Aside from the taste wagged his tongue, star fruit is also very good for health and also provide benefits for beauty.

leatherback For Health Benefits

Leatherback is one of the exotic fruit is rich in benefits. Approximately 100 grams of star fruit, providing 31 calories which is much lower than for tropical fruits other popular. In addition, a number of important nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins contain a number of health benefits for the leatherback, as follows 1):

1. Healthy Digestion

Along with carambola fruit leather provide dietary fiber supply. Fiber helps prevent the absorption of LDL cholesterol in food in the intestine. Fiber also helps protect the intestinal mucous membrane from exposure to toxic substances by binding to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon. The fiber content in the leatherback makes digestion more healthy and avoid the risk of colon cancer symptoms.

2. Prevention of Cancer

Leatherback provide vitamin C benefits which are preventive against cancer symptoms. Starfruit contains vitamin C in large quantities. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Approximately 100 g of star fruit will provide 34.7 mg or about 57% of the intake of vitamin C is needed every day. In general, the benefits of fruits rich in vitamin C helps body develop resistance against infectious agents, free radical and anti-inflammatory for the body.

3. Rich in Antioxidants

Leatherback rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids polyphenols. Some types of this important flavonoids including quercetin, epicatechin and gallic acid. Total polyphenols in these fruits at 43 mg / 100 g. These compounds help protect from, from the effects of free radical damage.

4. Improving Enzymes Work

In addition, the leatherback is a source of B-complex vitamins such as folate, riboflavin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). Taken together, these vitamins help as a co-factor of enzymes in the metabolism and supports a variety of synthetic function of enzymes in the body.

5. Overcoming High Blood Pressure

Starfruit contains a number of minerals and electrolytes such as potassium, phosphorus, zinc and iron. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Thus, it will suppress the bad influence of sodium. Healing therapy of hypertension is mostly done with starfruit, by consuming them regularly.

6. Overcoming Kidney Disorders

If someone has a complaint renal impairment, the leatherback can be consumed because it has a very high concentration of the oxalic acid. Scientists consider it as anti-nutritional compounds, such as interfere with the absorption and metabolism of some natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium and so on.

7. Reduce the levels of bad cholesterol

At the leatherback are pectin substances that reduce cholesterol in the blood. Pectin binds cholesterol and bile acids in their secretions issued. Of course this is very good for people with symptoms of diabetes.

Benefits leatherback For Beauty

Such as whether the content has been described previously, the leatherback able to prevent and deal with various health problems. In addition, the benefits of the leatherback is also used as a beauty treatment, following them 2):

Leatherback provide other nutrients that are good for the hair. Starfruit is an excellent natural remedy for hair loss because it is a good source of antioxidants and vitamin C which can help delay the aging process.
Vitamin B complex, is essential for hair growth and helps to keep hair strong and healthy, many available in the star fruit.
Eating star fruit or carambola use directly on the skin with acne or oily skin as a facial mask.
Starfruit contains zinc which reduce the tendency of acne. It is fully recommended for people of all ages because it has antimicrobial effects.
Fruit Nutrient content of Belimbing

Starfruit content of the most abundant is vitamin C, such as that contained in the benefits of oranges, lemons and benefits benefits guava. Vitamin A in belimbng produce antioxidants that are good for the body. Other builder substances, such as minerals, folate, fiber (fiber), here are some of them 3):

Calories - A serving of star fruit is equivalent to about 2 percent of the daily value for calories, assuming a daily diet of 2,000 calories. Carbohydrate provides about 30 calories in a serving of star fruit.
Carbohydrates - Carambola contains 9.5 g of carbohydrates per serving, including 2.5 g of dietary fiber. Leatherback give 3 percent of the daily value of carbohydrates and 10 percent of daily fiber needs.
Protein and Fat - One serving of star fruit contains 1 gram of protein, which is 2 percent of the daily requirement. Leatherback also has 1 g of fat, which provides about 2 percent of the daily value. Fat content is entirely composed of unsaturated fats. Leatherback has no saturated fat, trans fat or cholesterol.
Vitamins and Minerals - In one leatherback contains 24 mg of vitamin C, or 40 percent of the daily value for vitamin C. It provides about 15 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin A. The content of iron in the star fruit around 0:36 mg, or 2 percent of the daily value. Starfruit contains calcium, potassium or sodium.
Various benefits leatherback can be obtained by consuming them, but we still have to be wise when to eat it. Starfruit sweet, because the content of glucose, so it is not good if consumed in excess. Mixed fruit consumption, could be better, rather than just concentrating on one type of fruit only.

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