Senin, 13 April 2015

Here Objects That Can Cause Headaches

Health Information -Headache is often a problem. In addition to interfere with work productivity, headaches can also interfere with performance. Many things can cause headaches come. But did you know that the objects around us that we often use also has the potential to trigger a headache? Here are 6 things that could potentially cause headaches.

1. Computer Screen
Sit for hours looking at a computer screen for long periods can cause headaches. Headaches are usually triggered by eye fatigue and poor blood circulation smoothly. To overcome this, rest your eyes by way of closing his eyes or looking at a distant object for a few minutes. In this way the eye muscles relax and your back will be free of headaches.

2. Mobile
Using a mobile phone for too long can also trigger headaches. Based on the study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, exposure to mobile phone signals in the brain that are too long can lead to an increase in glucose metabolism, sleep disorders to headaches.

3. Seats
At first glance there is no relationship between the seat and headaches. However, if you use a chair while working does not comply with health standards, it is very possible that the seat can cause headaches. Seats that do not have a good rest will force the neck bone to work harder which can trigger headaches. In addition, the lack of proper seats can also trigger other symptoms such as back pain, neck pain, until tingling. So choose a good and comfortable seats and have the ability to support your body to the maximum.

4. Headset
Listening to music with headset, earphones or the like is exciting tool. Can while relaxing, reading or doing other work. But without realizing the negative effects that result from such activities. Especially if you play with a high-frequency noise, which can cause trauma to the voice continued. In addition to causing headaches, sound frequencies that are too high can damage the auditory nerve cells.

5. Bag
Shoulder part of the body work extra when you carry the bag. If your bag is too heavy then shoulders the burden is also heavier. This can lead to shoulder pain, neck to headaches. We recommend that you do not overload the shoulder with a bag that is too heavy. especially if you are using one shoulder just to hang the bag. These habits can worsen your posture.

6. Hats
Instead of avoiding the sun or just follow the fashion, wearing a hat can also trigger headaches. A recent study published by the British Osteopathic Association (BOA) revealed that wearing a hat that is too tight can disrupt the flow of blood to the head, so that it can trigger headaches

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